I have been training with Kyra for 6 months now.  I was very thin and healthy as a child; however, once I had my first child I became very ill.  I gained 50 lbs after the delivery, even though I was actually smaller when pregnant because my morning sickness was so bad.


It wasn’t until about 5 months later I realized that my weight had dramatically increased and I had no real reason why.   I was still eating healthy, clean eating recipes, but I also was not exercising and I was a new mom.


I began to try and get the weight off but it did not budge.  I began jumping from fad diet to fad diet.  Nothing worked.   Then I was pregnant with my second child and I was again so sick that I actually lost weight while pregnant. But again once the baby was born my weight began to increase.  For some reason I had the number 200 stuck in my head.  I thought that if I never reach 200lbs then it wouldn’t matter that I had a little bit of extra cushioning.





I became complacent and accepting of what my body now was.  My doctors did little to encourage me and even told me that with my medical ailments I would need to work out double to triple the amount of a normal person and eat around 1200 calories a day.  This did not encourage me to get moving. I did do a few random exercises and tried to eat right, but now with 2 kids, a full-time job and buying a house, I did not make my own health a priority.  Everyone else needed to come before me.


Fast forward to almost ten years of this behavior and I had reached my 200 lb mark that I never wanted to be at.  Then I crept over that and was at my heaviest weight ever of 204 lbs.  My marriage was falling apart at this point and I began to become a little depressed.  All around I could not believe that this is what my life had become.


Then all of a sudden a light switch went off in my head and I knew I couldn’t live like this anymore.  I sat down with my husband and my children and told them exactly how I was feeling and that I needed to do this for myself.  To most people it might have sounded selfish but I was at one of the lowest points in my life and needed to change.  They were on board with my lifestyle change, even though they were hoping that the goodies will still be in the house from time to time.


I began working with Kyra in September 2011.  I was on her team for a biggest loser type challenge.  This group atmosphere seemed to be exactly what I needed to jump start myself. We built a sort of camaraderie with each other and learned about each other’s triumphs and failings.  We became a real team.  I still seemed to struggle a little bit as almost everyone on the team was losing weight every week.  I continued to stay exactly the same, or so I thought.


Even though the number on the scale had not moved an ounce in the over 2 months I had been following the workout routines I could feel that my body had changed.  My clothes were fitting better; I had lost 3 dress sizes without losing a pound.  I was so frustrated by this, but at the same I was still very motivated to continue because I was seeing some results.  After the 3 month program ended a few of us from the group continued to meet with Kyra twice a week.  This is really what kept me going to now have the workout routine in place and the other team members to keep me focused.


After almost 3 months of working with Kyra I lost my 1st pound.  Then it just started coming off every week.   In all I have lost 32lbs and 3.4% body fat.   I am so happy with the results that I am finally seeing, I know that I can do this now and Kyra has given me the confidence to achieve my final goal, which is now only 42lbs away.  Kyra has totally changed my life and I will be forever grateful.


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Your Coach,


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