Mayya has been with me long enough now to have TWO success stories! 

In the beginning it was all about balancing fun and fitness

Then her commitment to fitness shifted, as did her body and self confidence

So I decided to catch up with her, three months later and one more round of #Commit2Fit later. This girl is ON FIRE and bound to inspire.


I’ve been training with Kyra for a while, but decided to jump on board on the #Commit2fFit plan Fall 2015.  Now I’ve done several rounds of #Commit2fit and each round I gain more and more.



Physically, I have dropped 3 sizes, shed body fat, and grown muscles. Mentally, I have created strong healthy habits to sustain me for the rest of my life. My gym time becomes ME time; it’s like a meditation time. Emotionally, I have found long-lost confidence I forgot I ever had. I hold my head higher. I smile more. I am more determined. I feel less shy when it comes to meeting people.



(Aug 2015 to June 2016)


I lost my “all or nothing” mentality. So many times I have failed OVER and OVER again because I have jumped in feet first. That lead to exhaustion and boredom very quickly. Now it’s all about the balance, not a rigid workout schedule.


I appreciate how easy it is to contact Kyra. She is receptive and really takes into consideration all of the things that are going on in my life to recommend suggestions. She also told me to slow down or push me when I really needed it most. But above all else– the support from all of the other ladies who were going through their own journeys in #Commit2Fit is hugely beneficial.


3.27.15 to 6.24.16front


Other benefits of #Commit2Fit have included – ACCOUNTABILITY, someone else creating a plan for you (no thinking) and learning balance.
I would recommend #Commit2Fit because it works. When you dedicate to it, it works. Period.


Weight loss takes time. It takes sweat. I takes commitment. It takes consistency. And it’ll be 2 steps forward, 1 step back sometimes. But, it’s never a defeat. Because you pick yourself up and keep going. Life will never give you perfect conditions to succeed. life will only open doors for you, but it will be YOUR choice on how you go through those doors.


Wanna see Mayya’s first success story?  Read it here


Your Coach,



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