For quite some time now I’ve been on a quest to find happiness. Not the kind of happiness that is fleeting. Not the moment of happy where you get a back squat PR, or see a glimmer of an oblique. Not the moment when you finally land at your vacation destination for a week of relaxing. But a life where I can wake up every day feeling fulfilled


Every day I think I get a little closer, but there are certainly set backs along the way. Right now I am definitely in my prime – I am dating the love of my life, I live in Tampa where it’s sunny and warm year-round and I spend my days with my pup. It’s easy to wake up with and smile when the sun blares through the window.


I am also doing what I love. I have created such a passion for personal fitness over the years that I am able to help women find their own passion and build confidence so they can grow to love their bodies as much as I love and appreciate mine.

I cannot stress enough the importance of doing what you love and what makes you happy. I could go on about how it is important to find a career you feel passionate about because you will be more successful or how you should spend lots of time with people you enjoy being around and less time around those that you don’t. But my job is to speak about fitness, so I’ll speak on how in fitness and health, you should do what makes you happy.


Personally, CrossFit, yoga and the occasional run in the sun make me happy. Maybe that’s not you. Maybe what makes you happy is spin class with your gym bff’s and playing in the yard with your kids. Or maybe you can’t get enough alone time and you enjoy the serenity of swimming laps.

Whatever it is that you love, that is what you need to be doing. When you do what you love and what makes you happy, everything will come together naturally. If you have a session scheduled with your trainer and you are still dragging ass to force yourself into that gym, maybe it’s time to you find a Pilates studio to get in the work – or spend some time with your pup taking long walks.

If you are continuously forcing yourself into workout plans then how do you intend to have success? You aren’t going to stick to it long enough to actually get results. But if you have such a passion for something to the point where you can’t get enough, you will end up with an amazing body without even realizing you put in any effort.

I mean seriously, have you checked out Anastasia Ashley’s or Lindsay Vonn’s bodies lately? They do what they love, they’re successful and they are ripped!


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And you know what, maybe you have a yoga class scheduled for the day, but the weather just turned gorgeous and you can’t force yourself to be inside, get outside and run! It’s okay to adjust your workout schedule sometimes and go with your gut! But if every single day your gut is telling you not to do whatever it is you are doing, don’t do it and find something else that you love.

Life is too short to spend it doing things you don’t enjoy or dread doing. Find something you love and feel passionately about and everything else will fall into place.

What activity do you have a passion for?
  Leave me a comment below!


Your Coach,



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