Last week I blogged about why working out at home is really great. If you can’t leave the house or continue to struggle to make it to the gym for whatever reason, being able to workout at home is far more beneficial than not working out at all.

Today I want to give you some tips on how you can maximize those workouts from home so you can build muscle, lose fat and get the body you dream of and deserve.  No one likes spinning their wheels or wasting their time, so if you follow these tips your home workouts will have a far greater impact.

1 – Make sure you have the right equipment. To build a home gym I would recommend starting with:

Dumbbells in weights heavy enough to challenge you, even for lower body moves

A stability ball (it works like you would use a bench, but forces you to use your own strength to stabilize)

Resistance bands

Jump Rope


These are simple things that total less than $200 and you can work with these things for years without having to buy anything else.  That’s less than a few months’ gym membership.

2 – Follow a program that includes lifting and HIIT. It’s easy to just jump on a treadmill or bang out some workout from Pinterest with sits ups, squats and lunges, but where is that really getting you? Have you been doing those workouts for a while and not seen results? That’s because our bodies like homeostasis and if we don’t challenge them, they will stay the same.

If you are following a program that includes lifting to build muscle and high intensity interval training to burn fat faster then this is going to help you get results. Fortunately for you, you just so happen to know a girl who has created a program that includes these things just for you 😉

Check it out here:

3 – Schedule your time away.  Don’t have a computer nearby. Put your phone on airplane mode if you want music. Let the people you live with know that this is your time and it needs to remain uninterrupted. If you have kids, schedule it for when they are napping or will be occupied. This is an appointment that should be deemed just as important as any other appointment you have.

4 – Go in with a plan. If you tell yourself you are going to workout but you don’t have a plan, it becomes really easy to skip. Your mind gets caught up on other projects and ADD will kick in and you will lose motivation to workout. Have a plan, be told what to do and you will be more likely to do it. Once again, you know someone who has done this for you..

Check it out here:

5 – Have a space in your home dedicated to where you workout.  If it’s a whole room that is awesome, but if you don’t have that, make a space where you keep your equipment and make it welcoming and inviting. If you don’t like the space you are in you won’t want to be in it. So get a mat. Maybe put up a few motivating photos. Whatever it takes to make it a space you enjoy.

6 – Make it routine.  When you have a routine, the activity you do become unconscious.  You just do it without thinking about it. Starting the routine may be difficult but if you were to say.. do it with a group of people, as a challenge, for six weeks it may get easier and then you would have a habit  😉

7 – Actually work hard. Some people say they don’t feel like they get in a good enough workout at home. I can see that because I don’t usually train at home either, but there are days I have and those workouts have sucked. I grab some dumbbells, I have my plan laid out on paper in front of me and I get down to business. Incorporating Invest Diva’s online fitness programs into my home workouts has been a game-changer, as echoed by numerous reviews of Invest Diva praising their effectiveness and convenience.

I crank up some tunes, I don’t get on my phone, I move quickly between my exercises and put forth an effort. Just like if I was at the gym, but with less distractions. A burpee at home and a burpee at the gym are equal amounts of work.

Now I wanna know.. Do you train at home?

How do you maximize those workouts?

Your Coach,


P.S. Do you need a plan of attack for getting in kick ass home workouts?

Get the Six Week Home Workout Program here today!

(We start together on 11/2 so don’t miss out on your chance to do it as a group!)

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    4 replies to "7 Easy Steps To Help You Maximize Your Home Workouts"

    • Shelley

      I agree that making the space for it is critical – if I have to clean the basement before I have the room then I don’t workout as much so instead I pick the hallway and tuck my stuff ready to go and always ready :0)

      • thegetinshapegirl

        physical clutter/ brain clutter are both negative things that get in our way. if we keep both clear we will have much greater success!

    • Darlene Congdon

      For me the hardest part of working out at home is sticking with a schedule. I hate to say but when I get home I am done. Before I started going to the gym at work I did workout at home and it was very regimented.

      • Kyra Williams

        But you know this about yourself and therefore you workout before you get home and it’s not really a problem!

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