Week 6 of my first bikini competition…


You can read about week 5 here


I skipped last week’s progress pics and update because I posted about the Disney Princess Half marathon and my Florida travels.  Now that Florida and the race, have come and gone, I’m back to being 100%  focused on training for the Fitness New England Bikini Competition coming up April 30th, 2011.  OMG!!!!!!!  That’s just 8 weeks away!!

I’m not going to lie to you guys.. I wasn’t perfect in Florida.  When I wrote the update from there it was Thursday night and I did pack a lot of food and my eating was really close.  I had some sushi at night where I normally wouldn’t.  I eyeballed things instead of measuring.  I missed eating fruits or a vegetable here and there.  But I was traveling so being really close was good for me.  Until Friday night…..

Friday night involved alcohol.  Saturday involved junk food.. and I paid the price because I got really sick.  Sunday involved both alcohol and bratwurst.  Oops!!  I have said many times, I have a very large German man living inside of me just dying to get his hands on Brats, potatoes, chocolate cake and dark, full-bodied beer.  Well, at the Germany pavilion in Epcot, Karl, as I have fondly named him, came out and I ate a brat with sour kraut.

As for my workouts, I was pretty good in Florida.  Before I left (Tuesday) I made sure to get in my leg workout and I did 90 min hot yoga.  Wednesday I didn’t workout.  Thursday I did 8 sprints during my 25 minute run, I did my shoulder workout and I did a TRX class.  Friday I did a 90 min Bikram yoga class.  Saturday I didn’t workout.  Sunday I ran a half marathon.  Monday I traveled and needed to recovered.  Tuesday I was sick (had Strep throat.)  Wednesday I was back at it.

So here’s the lesson I learned from this experience…


Prior to this trip I was almost on point with my eating and doing awesome with my workouts and my body was improving.  While I was in Florida I kept up with my exercise I’d say at about a 90% effort, only because I didn’t have access to a gym and I was running 13 freakin’ miles okay!  And now that I’ve been home and gotten over Strep throat I’ve been working my tail off.
But the eating and drinking down there killed me.  Look at the progress pics…

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So this is right before I left for Florida, near the end of Feb versus March 6th.  Now I know that in the first photo in Feb I was def flexing my abs, but I do feel like there is a difference in my stomach.  And not to make excuses, but it is TOM, so hopefully in a few days the pudge will go away.

I also feel like the quad definition went away since I’ve been back, but I haven’t had a solid leg day yet.  But this is something I have to work extra extra hard for.  I’ve always had a great shape to my legs (luckily I have super strong hamstrings and a big booty) but quad def is something I’m going to have to work really hard for.

My calves are also not as defined either.  So maybe I’m knit-picking, but this is what a competition is about.  Putting myself out there and doing something that most people won’t do.
So now is your opportunity to pick me apart.  Do you see a difference or is it all just mental?  Be HONEST.  The judges April 30th certainly aren’t going to hold back.. and I want to WIN!!


Read about Week 7 Here


Your Coach,



P.S. Wanna know how to lose weight fast, but keep it off? Get workout routines and a meal plan to lose weight by signing up for online personal training with me here:


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