Sleep can be the ONE THING holding you back from losing the last few lbs or what keeps you from a smaller size. Even if you are following the best daily workout plan and meal plan, you may not be able to lose because of a lack of sleep. Here’s why…


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Lack of sleep forces our bodies to create more grehlin, the hormone that tells our brain we are hungry or are craving something. Sleep forces our body to produce less leptin, which is the hormone produced in the gut that tells our brain we are full. Obviously these two hormones not functioning properly will lead us down the path of overeating, especially junk food.

Lack of sleep also forces our body to over-produce or chronically produce excess cortisol. Chronic excess cortisol can lead to fat storage

Lack of sleep forces our body to be less sensitive to insulin which will make it difficult for our body to use fat as fuel and makes fat storage easier.

If we do not sleep enough or deeply enough, our body cannot produce enough HGH or testosterone, two very important hormones that help us burn fat and build muscle.

When cortisol hangs out with the insulin naturally produced by the body it is fat storing. But when cortisol hangs out with HGH and testosterone it is fat burning.


According to research, 7-9 hours of sleep is considered to be the healthy amount of sleep we should be aiming for. Not getting 7-9 hours of sleep for four nights in a row is what researchers really seem to consider lack of sleep. A random night or two here and there isn’t a big deal.


You will know if you are not getting enough sleep because your hunger may become insatiable, your cravings will be all over the place and your energy will take a dive. If and when this happens we really need to prioritize sleep. No workout or healthy meal plan is going to help you overcome a lack of sleep when it comes to fat loss.


To fix this, try creating a nightly wind down routine such as turning down the lights, putting away your phone, stretching on the floor and drinking tea. Try supplements such as CALM magnesium or sleepy time tea.


The meal prior to bed is very dependent upon the individual. Some people struggle to sleep on an empty stomach, some cannot on a full stomach. Some sleep better with more fat, some sleep better with more carbs. Be your own detective here.  And AVOID ALCOHOL. This actually makes you not be able to get deep sleep.


Lastly, create a good sleeping environment for yourself. Get ear plugs if your partner snores and turn off the television and supplement with white noise like a fan. Shut out all lights, possibly even alarm clocks. Get the room nice an cool. If you have other sleeping impairments such as sleep apnea, discuss this with your doctor to find a solution that will work best for you.


Your Coach,




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