The thyroid gland is also the body’s first organ to truly be damaged by stress. Thyroid dysfunction can keep you from losing fat no matter what kind of clean eating meal plan, strength training and daily workout schedule you are on. Find out how you can take care of your thyroid in this video..


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Thyroid is secreted by the thyroid gland in response to a hormone called leptin. The thyroid gland is also the body’s first organ to truly be damaged by stress. This is how it works…

Step 1 – Leptin goes to the brain from the fat cells.

Step 2 – The brain releases thyroid releasing hormone.

Step 3 – TRH goes to the pituitary glands to release thyroid stimulating hormone.

Step 4 – TSH goes to thyroid glands to get them stimulated.

Step 5 – The thyroid releases T4, which is inactive.

Step 6 – T4 turns into T3 with the help of cortisol (which is why the adrenal glands MUST be functioning and some cortisol helps the thyroid but too much hinders it; read more about the adrenal glands here.)

Step 7 – T3 stimulates fat burning by increasing hormone sensitive lipase; T3 stimulates the catecholamines which will help us burn fat, assuming they are functioning properly; T3 tells the brain to stop producing TRH.


Obviously this is a big job and we need everything to work together on this.


It’s common for people to get their thyroid tested in everyday routine blood work or because of unexplained weight gain. When testing, it’s usually for T4 and the “norm” there is between .8 and 2. But it’s also a good idea to get tested for thyroid anti-bodies. If anti-TPO comes up, this could signify Hashimoto’s and if anti-thyroid glubulin comes up this could signify Grave’s disease. However, if you have adrenal burnout, your thyroid levels may come back in the normal range, but it doesn’t mean that the T4 is being converted into T3. So if this is the case, it’s important to also treat your adrenal glands. (More on that, here.)



To fix the thyroid..

T4 (synthroid) given by your doctor may help, but also consider omitting gluten and dairy from your diet.

Also, be aware that 20% of T4 is converted into T3 in the gut, so fix your gut. Pro-biotics may help and also, go here for more info on gut health and how to fix it.

Supplements such as coleus forskohlii, zinc, tyrosine, selenium and adrenal supporting herbs.

Lastly, remember that stress is usually the #1 cause of thyroid dysfunction, so fix your stress to help your body.


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Your Coach,



P.S. Everyone is different. Some people need more carbs, more food, different workouts from others. It’s all individualized which is why I run #Commit2Fit with personalized clean eating meal plans and workout plans. Everything should be custom and designed specifically for YOU.

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