Just because you have a food intolerance does not mean that you can’t lose fat, build muscle as well as look and feel your best. You can still follow a clean eating meal plan, do your HIIT workouts and live like a normal person. You can absolutely THRIVE with a food intolerance. Here’s how..


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First you need to know if you have any food allergies, intolerances or sensitivities.  If you have put two and two together and realized that every time you eat eggs you become bloated or every time you eat cheese you get backed up, you realize by now you likely have a food sensitivity or intolerance.


If you haven’t figured out what is causing you gut irritation, skin issues, anxiety, insomnia, lethargy or some other side affect, you may want to try a test such as this one or try doing a 30 day elimination diet.


Once you figure out what food(s) you may be allergic, intolerance or sensitive to, you really should try to omit them as best as possible from your diet. The reason why is because they can irritate the lining of your gut which can cause auto immune dysfunction, obviously make you feel worse which will in turn make you not want to do your daily workouts or eventually lead to cortisol or thyroid problems.


Ultimately, if you continue to eat something that stresses out your digestive system, your body registers this as a physical stressor and will stop allowing you to live, thrive and lose fat.  But once you figure out what foods your body cannot tolerate, you can eliminate them and feel and look great!


Two common foods that I see clients eliminate regularly are gluten and dairy. A sample meal plan for someone who cannot eat those foods may look like..

Breakfast – two eggs scrambled in coconut oil with mushrooms and spinach

Snack – egg muffins

Lunch – leftover protein or  from the night before on a salad with tomatoes, cucumber and olive oil based dressing

Snack – almond yogurt with a scoop of egg white protein powder, berries and walnuts

dinner – mojo pork bowl



Do you need help figuring out what foods you don’t do well with and how to thrive without them?

Go to Commit2FitCoaching.com/freeassessment and let me help you.


Your Coach,



P.S. Everyone is different. Some people can have a greater deficit and lose fat than others. It’s all individualized which is why I run #Commit2Fit with personalized meal plans. Everything should be custom and designed specifically for YOU.

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