There’s nothing really wrong with following a “cookie cutter” diet like vegan, gluten free, keto, etc but it may not work perfectly for you. Watch this video or keep reading to find out why and what WILL work..

As a Metabolic Effect Nutrition Specialist, I would say I don’t specialize in any particular diet. I have clients who are vegetarian, fast intermittently, carb cycle, follow IIFYM, follow auto-immune protocol diets and most who simply follow a clean eating meal plan.

The thing I specialize in, is pairing individuals with the diet that suits their needs. What good is it going to do for you to carb cycle when you don’t have the time to track your macros and prep for high carb AND low carb days? What’s the point is trying to be in ketosis when every weekend you are so tempted to cheat with sugary snacks and you hate yourself after?

Your meal plan should not only help you lose fat and reach your goals, but it should energize you, make you happy, be fairly easy for you to adhere to, meet the needs of your day to day lifestyle.

And it’s possible that your meal plan may work for you for six weeks, then your schedule changes or your goals change, and your meal plan needs to change. It’s also possible that you follow a certain style of eating and in four weeks we determine it isn’t really working and we need to tweak it. This is why #Commit2Fit is so great because I’m always talking these things through with my clients and looking at progress pics to ensure the meal plan is working.

#Commit2Fit is open for enrollment. We will go through your goals, the calories you burn in a day, your daily schedule, what foods you like to eat/ don’t like/ can’t eat and create a clean eating meal plan together so you feel and look your best!

Go to to learn more and join.

Your Coach, Kyra

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