Are you eating enough protein? We’ve been studying protein in my college human nutrition course. Here are some basic reasons you should really pay attention to how much protein you consume, especially if you want to lose fat.
The recommended daily amount of protein you should eat to make sure you aren’t deficient is simply .8g/ kg you weigh. I weigh 59kg so the RDA for me just 44g a day. But if you want to lose fat, I would recommend something more along the lines of 1g/ pound you weigh. Or 10-35% of your total daily calories. So at 130 pounds, 130g is at least how much I consume each day and here’s why..
- Protein takes longer to digest than fat or carbohydrates. Because of this you will feel full longer, which makes it a heck of a lot easier to eat less throughout the day. If you want to be in a calorie deficit, feeling full longer is hugely helpful.
- Protein helps you maintain muscle mass in a caloric deficit. There’s tons of studies like this one, that discusses this. So if you want to consume fewer calories that you burn to lose fat, but want to maintain your muscle to get a lean body, then you want to eat plenty of protein.
- Consuming protein with carbs helps balance your blood sugar. When you consume carbohydrates your blood sugar rises and your pancreas secretes insulin in response to lower your blood sugar. Well when you eat protein with the carbs, your blood sugar won’t increase so much so it helps balance all of this which can make fat loss easier as insulin is a “storage hormone.”
- Because protein takes longer to digest and keeps you full longer, and because of the affect it has on your blood sugar and insulin, protein can help combat cravings. So if you want to have less cravings throughout your day, begin your day with a high protein meal and eat from a protein source at every meal during your day.
Here are a few ideas of high protein meals you can eat..
Bison Sausage and Spaghetti Squash
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