Today’s guest blog is from Devyn Parrish. She had amazing results from the Twelve Week Bikini Guidebook and and I was lucky enough to have her keep me up to speed with her progress. Now she’s sharing her photos and her results with you!

I have always been an athletic person and played sports from age five until 20 or so I played sports like basketball and pickleball and I found some good shoes to wear in a pickleball game so I can enjoy the game as well. But the last couple of years, the only sport I played was bar league volleyball, and that is not much of a workout.

For the last few years I have been going through phases of doing workout routines for a few months, then doing nothing for a few months. After about 2 years of the cycle I was getting sick of it. I like doing daily workouts, I just didn’t like taking the time to get to the gym.

My childhood friend just recently got into the sport of bikini competition, and seeing her body change made me want to take the time and make the effort to see my body change. I wanted to do a similar workout plans as her, but I did not want to bother her because she was already helping train another person.

This winter I spent countless hours Googling workout plans, from strength training, to CrossFit to simply cardio. In all those plans the thing I was missing out was structure and variety. I finally just searched, bikini competition workout plans. A few came up, but they all seemed to have you doing the same routine every week, but then I clicked on the link for Kyra Williams Fitness.

I was looking around the website and such and thought that Kyra knows what she is talking about, and this plan takes all the thinking out of the workout routines. I love lifting but I hate having to take the time to write out a workout. Kyra’s Bikini Guidebook was the second plan I had seen, and what I loved is not a lot of the exercises require machines. The other plan I looked at required a lot of machinery and a few exercises that required having a spotter. I just wanted to be able to go to the gym, alone, and get it done.

Five weeks on the Bikini Guidebook

My main goal was not to lose weight, but to lose fat and just get back to how I looked when I was active. I have to admit that for the first month, maybe even more, I struggled to follow the clean eating diet. I still saw good results the first month but once I got my diet in check, my results seemed to increase dramatically. I can not wait to do it again with a lot of my fat gone, and with a better grasp on eating clean.

The best part of this Bikini Workout plan is I was able to download it straight onto my phone and was able to carry it with me everyday. I didn’t have to carry around paper, and did not have to worry about forgetting it. The cardio workout routines were the best help, I hate running, but having something in front of me saying only 1 more really helped keep me motivated and made me not want to fail.

I think I accomplished my goal of getting in shape and healthier, but I can not wait to see my results this second time around. Using this guide is stress free way of getting in shape, and you get results. My friends could see results quicker than I could see them on myself.

I forgot to add that I am 26 years old, in nursing school, started the 12 Week Bikini Workout at about 160 and ended at about 150. I say “about” because of water weight and everything that can change your weight from day to day I don’t know my exact numbers.

-Devyn Parrish

Are you looking for a step by step plan to help you lose weight?
Get the Twelve Week Bikini Guidebook today!

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