Everyone knows the obvious foods you want to avoid when eating out for the best way to lose weight. We all know that to look good in a bikini, avoiding fried foods, heavy cream dressings, french fries and soda are not going to cut it. This blog is not going to tell you what you already know. I’m going to shed some light on a few dishes and clean eating recipes that may not have crossed your mind.


If you know me, you know how angry I get when foods are marketed as healthy, clean eating recipes, or bikini body worthy. Restaurants are just as guilty as any of the major food manufacturers. But if you can steer clear or these biggies, then you are going to be well on your way to losing fat and getting LEAN.


1. Lite Italian dressings – When you think of “lite Italian” you think it’s made with some sort of vinegar, maybe some olive oil, but it’s fine because it’s not cream based. It’s often made with vegetable oil, soybean oil, cheese, high fructose corn syrup and sugar. Definitely NOT what you want if your goal is to get lean!


2. Buns – Maybe you realize this already, but just because you skipped the bread basket in the beginning doesn’t mean you are home free. If you ordered a burger, ask the waiter to hold the bun so you aren’t enticed. If your salad comes with pita bread, ditch it right away. Studies show that if you hold out in the beginning your will power won’t last so long afterward. So which would you rather have.. a bun or a toned bikini body?


3. Seasonal Veggies – Weird, right? Well you should still order a side of vegetables, but find out how they are prepared. When I was in Hawaii (the time I REALLY wanted to look good in a bikini) I ordered a side of veggies and they came out soaked in more oil than there was vegetables. Most times the oil or butter is better disguised, but be aware.. don’t be afraid to ask for them steamed.


4. Turkey Tips – Most people think that just because it’s turkey, it’s healthy. Well, not all cuts are lean. Does the menu specify turkey breast? I’ve never seen it. Not to mention all of the calories, sugar and unhealthy fat in the marinades! If you want to be lean, you gotta eat lean.. cuts of turkey.


5. Fish – Same goes for fish. Just because you see fish on the menu, doesn’t mean you are going to be swimming happily in a lean, bikini body if you order it. Most come with some kind of glaze, marinade or crust. These are not conducive to getting lean and toned.




Rather than ordering these things, here are a few clean food items I recommend…

Salads.. without all the cheese, candied nuts, dressings, etc (use olive oil and vinegar for a healthy dressing)

Steak and steamed spinach

Tuna tartare over a bed of baby greens

Bunless burger with a side salad

Grilled salmon and baked sweet potato


Lamb gyro with a salad and rice

of course if you can trust your chefs and you know they are using high quality ingredients (not the soy and artificial cheap stuff) you can get a little more wild with your choices and have sauteed veggies, get the fish prepared to order and have the salad dressing.. just be mindful and stay balanced in your eating.



Your Coach,




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