In the midst of the holiday season it’s normal to fall into one of two categories: doing nothing or doing too much. Here’s the best choice.

One category is the do nothing group. You don’t have time to track your food. You are eating more cookies and having more wine than usual. You can’t go to the gym five times a week. Screw it. Why bother? Just eat whatever and don’t even bother exercising.

The other category is the doing more group. You know you’re gonna have more treats than usual, you’re gonna go out more so more cardio needs to happen to offset the calories.

I don’t advise joining either group.

Going to the gym or for a walk twice a week is better than zero. Following your clean eating meal plan and having meat and veggies when you can is better than saying screw it.

And trying to do too much isn’t great for your relationship with your body or food, and it could lead you to burnout, or put you in the first category.

Just choose moderation.

Enjoy this time of the year and the treats. Do your workout routines and eat clean when you can. The holiday season only lasts so long. You do not want to look back with regret because you missed out on something or you overdid something else. Plus, it will be much easier to pick things back up like usual when it’s over.

If you’re ready to work with a coach that will help you make sustainable choices to help you get the physique you want and KEEP IT, join 1:1 coaching now at

Your Coach,

P.S. You don’t have to wait until the first of the year. If you join now we can get you set up on your plan immediately!

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