This is not your typical success story.  People’s success on my program comes in many forms and many shapes and sizes. No, Christina was not ever overweight, but that does not mean that she did not have bad habits that needed correcting and it did not mean she did not want to become the best version of herself. I hope you enjoy her story and perhaps even recognize some of her habits in yourself and see that you too, can improve your body and life!


I’ll give this success story a whirl, even though I don’t think it’s necessarily the typical success story someone would look for on a training site. Last year was a big year for me in a lot of ways – my boyfriend of nearly 4 years and I signed a contract to start building our dream home in January. A week later, he proposed.

Our initial plan was to wait until we moved into the house to start wedding planning. After a few very stressful months of dealing with the house and working 50+ hour weeks, we decided to just “get it out of the way” and start planning, and to have the reception at our new house. We were also planning to avail the best videography session. As I have heard that Best Wedding Film Company contribution will be flawless we planned to contact them.

I threw every ounce of energy I had into making sure the house was completed in time, decorated perfectly, the wedding details handled and on top of that to make fitness a part of my life. Needless to say, the day after the wedding, I was ready to fall flat on my face.

The next two months were spent in a haze of laziness of fast food. Working out was not something I even thought about. Then one day I woke up and realized just how awful I felt. I had no energy, my stomach was constantly upset, my skin was awful. I just wasn’t happy. So I tried getting back into the habit of working out and eating healthy again. But I let life get in the way – I made excuses as to why I didn’t have time, or why that third happy hour was “needed”. I hated going to the gym. I wasn’t succeeding.

I decided to get help from Kyra. For the first month, I focused on working out 4x/ week and didn’t track my food intake. I just wanted to eat healthy, so I made a meal plan with clean eating recipes, cooked every Sunday and ate what I prepared. I saw improvement over that first month with what felt like very little effort on my part. I just had someone holding me accountable for my actions.

During my second month, Kyra added an extra day of leg workouts, bringing me up 5x/week workouts. Again, I didn’t focus too heavily on foods – sticking to following my meal plans but allowing myself to continue to eat as needed so that I didn’t feel hungry. The scale didn’t move much (in fact I gained a little), but my clothes were still fitting the way they had after my initial weight loss, so I didn’t pay much attention to it.

During my third month, I decided to take a little extra step towards accountability and started tracking my food intake, just to make sure I wasn’t over eating. I kept up with my workouts, and tried to walk with my neighbor at night once a week. Again, the scale started to creep down. But the real win was my skinny jeans – I can put them on again and wear them comfortably all day.

christina before after frontChristina before after back

I didn’t lose a ton of inches or weight, but I feel amazing. I feel strong, my legs had definite muscle growth. My energy levels are up! And the best part? I like working out again! I listen to my body and increase weights when I can. I rest if I need to. I eat tasty foods  and in general feel better! I feel like a success!!!

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