Do you want to know how to enjoy your fall treats and still lose fat? I’ve got four strategies to help you.

As the leaves change and the air turns crisp, it’s easy to find yourself surrounded by an abundance of tempting autumn delicacies, from pumpkin spice lattes to apple pies and everything in between. And don’t forget Halloween candy!

But what if I told you that you can indulge in these delectable seasonal treats while still making progress on your fitness and weight loss goals? 

Let’s dive in and explore my four strategies that allow you to savor the flavors of fall without derailing your health and wellness efforts. You know I am all about figuring out how to eat to lose weight without dieting thanks to the help of experts like those at

So, grab your favorite cozy sweater and join me in discovering how to make this autumn your tastiest and healthiest season yet.

How to Enjoy Your Fall Treats and Still Lose Fat in Four Strategies:

Choose the treats that you really want.

You are going to have an abundance of marketing in front of you, trying to get you to spend your money on all kinds of things. You are going to see your local bakery advertising their Thanksgiving pies. Starbucks has all kinds of holiday recipes “for a limited time,” and every grocery store has their halloween candy on display. 

But just because it’s there does not mean you have to have it. Go ahead and think of the things you really love this time of the year and plan for them. For example, I love a good sweet potato syrup latte, but it has to be from a coffee shop making their syrups in-house. I also really enjoy peanut butter cups and I’m definitely getting an apple pie for Thanksgiving. 

These treats are just planned in my diet. I was visiting family and she had her Halloween candy already so I enjoyed a couple of peanut butter cups. I’m going for coffee this weekend where I’ll enjoy one of those sweet potato lattes and I’m pre-ordering an apple pie from a bakery. 

There are going to be cheap thrills everywhere and if you indulge even HALF of the time you come across these fall treats you’re not going to feel great and you’re going to have a hard time with your fat loss goals. 

Enjoy the treats in moderation.

When you do choose the treats you really want, enjoy them in moderation. This is a great way how to enjoy your fall treats and still lose fat. 

Over the last ten weeks I lost ten pounds by maintaining a calorie deficit and never cutting anything completely out by making room for the foods I love. I included chicken wings on Saturdays and still drank margaritas. I even had small portions of sweets almost everyday. But, I accounted for them ahead of time and made sure I kept my blood sugar balanced by pairing anything sweet with a meal that included protein, fat and fiber.

If you really want a pumpkin spice latte, then get one! I just don’t recommend getting it everyday, and if you can, enjoy it after you’ve had a couple of scrambled eggs with some bacon and berries. Or if you want to bake some apple cobbler, portion it out and account for it in your daily calories ahead of time to make space for it. 

There’s nothing wrong with having a little bit of the things you love, but make sure most of your daily calories come from nutrient dense foods and you are enjoying a little bit and then moving on. 

Don’t make your treats taboo.

When you make these fall treats forbidden, there’s something that makes you drawn to them even more. We always want what we can’t have, so remember, you CAN have these things. 

When you see the marketing that leads you to believe these are only around “for a limited time,” you get a sense of urgency and try to get them all in before they are gone. But this is nonsense. 

You can buy pumpkin spice syrup on Amazon to enjoy it in your coffee year-round. You can buy candy anytime, nearly anywhere and you can make pumpkin cheesecake bites in March if you want. Shoot.. you can even stock up on Oktoberfest and pumpkin beers and have them all year long if you get enough.

This comes down to abundance mindset. You can have whatever you want whenever you want and sometimes just realizing that takes the pressure off. 

Be truly present when enjoying your fall treats.

Eating things mindlessly takes the joy away from them so be present when you are having these things. Savor every bite. You will likely find that you get the pleasure from the portion you have and feel good moving along when you are done.

It also helps you not associate guilt with the indulgence which is important too. You can look back at the coffee drink you had or the indulgent meal and say to yourself “that was awesome and totally worth it.” 

You don’t have to save the strategies with your fall treats only – use them all year long and you can lose fat and keep it off for good. When you decide you want to make changes for your health and your physique, you want them to be sustainable so you can maintain forever.

And when you are ready for assistance in your journey, let me help you. I offer an array of options for how we can work together. Learn more at

Your Coach,


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