Do you start a workout plan, get all excited, then fall off? Do you struggle with sticking to a program no matter how hard you try? Watch this video or keep reading to find out why this continues to happen and my top three tips to stick to your daily workout plan.

Before I get into my top three tips to sticking to a daily workout plan, I just want to mention that willpower does not last. You MUST build the habit of working out regularly or following your clean eating meal plan. Also, discipline will ALWAYS trump motivation. You aren’t always going to feel motivated, I promise you that.

You are going to have days when doing your workout routine isn’t going to be easy. You are going to have days where you feel like it’s useless because you aren’t getting results as fast as you want. You are going to be tired and things are going to come up. But you have to keep showing up and doing it anyway. This builds character, this is what gets you results and this is what creates that discipline.

Here are my three tips to help you stick to your daily workout plan:

  1. Do something you enjoy.
    This is going to require you take an honest look at what you want to achieve. If you want to be fit, healthy and lose 20 pounds, but every time you say you are going to go to the gym, you skip, ask yourself if you actually want to workout at a gym? Perhaps a home workout routine would work better for you.
    Or let’s say you sign up for a half marathon in effort to get into a habit of exercising but you continue to skip your training runs. Maybe you simply don’t want to run and there’s nothing wrong with that. You don’t need to run a half marathon to be fit and healthy – take spin class or Pilates.
    If you are participating in an activity you enjoy, you will be far more likely to do it and want to excel at it, which can lead to other things.
  2. Become conscious & aware of your current habits.
    Take notice of what you do and don’t do. Do you come home from work and immediately turn on the TV? Do you stay up late playing on your phone? When could you fit in a walk or a gym session?
    Until you take inventory and become aware it’s hard to determine where you are going wrong and how you can make it right. Perhaps once you realize your daily habit involves you coming home and heading straight for your couch, you get your clothes out that morning and set them out for you to change into so you do a quick workout routine before you sit down. Or you recognize that staying up late scrolling social media makes waking up at 5am suck, so you go to bed earlier to get in your morning HIIT workout.
  3. Create accountability.
    This is why things like Dietbet and personal fitness trainers work so well – because you put your ass on the line, you show up. One thing I like to do is sign up for my yoga classes ahead of time. I know myself and my motivation to go to class in the evenings dwindles, so I sign up that morning and if I don’t show up, I get charged for the class and I don’t want to lose $20. I know other small fitness studios do this as well.
    Or tell a friend that you don’t want to disappoint. That second part is key here. If you tell someone like your husband who may not even check in with you, it’s useless. You have to tell someone you don’t want to let down. This is why #Commit2Fit is so helpful because we have such an amazingly supportive Facebook group where we hold each other’s feet to the fire. If someone posts “something came up, will finish my workout routine later,” you bet we are going to be in there asking if you finished your workout routine.
    And that’s something I pride myself on.. being super annoying to my clients to make sure they are held accountable.

Your Coach,

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Commit2Fit is currently open for enrollment. I will set you up on a plan you can stick to and will get you long term results!

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