I am going to the MidAtlantic Crossfit Regionals.
I am going to the MidAtlantic Crossfit Regionals. Wait.. what?!
That’s such a strange thing to say. I am not attending and spectating, but I will be competing. Before I dive in, let me tell you the backstory…
I joined Crossfit Westchase in November 2015. I needed a fresh start from my previous gym because it haunted me with old memories and gave me anxiety. A friend was opening up this spot and it seemed like the right fit. We trained as we normally would and when the open came around we knew we would have a competitive edge.
There were talks of who could go team and the game plan was to push to make it as it was obvious we had talent. When one of the three girls that really one of the girls planned to make the team got pregnant it basically came down to myself and my good friend Liz.
She and I have an amazing relationship and always root for one another. We are teammates in competition most of the time and have trained together since I first moved to Florida. She is SO strong it amazes me. But the Crossfit Open wods are kinda my thang.
Oh, you want me to do burpees and wallballs and handstand push ups really fast? Yep – I can do that!
Overall I ended up the third highest ranked girl in the gym so when we received our invitation it became official – the team would include me and Liz would be alternate. So I 100% understand a few things…
One, I am in this position right now because one girl moved and another got pregnant. Two, if it weren’t for the team kicking so much ass my decent (not great) scores scooted by and made the cut. And three, I have had this as a dream of mine forever, and if you ask the universe for something enough, eventually you will get it. I really want to dive into that last one a bit more…

So we haven’t even made it to Atlanta yet and I feel like I’ve already learned some incredible lessons.
Going to Regionals as a competitor in whatever capacity.. be it on my own, masters, team, whatever, has been a dream of mine. NOT a goal.. a dream. A goal is something I expect to accomplish with time and work, but a dream is something where I feel like.. “oh, that would be SO awesome,” but never anticipate happening. A goal should be realistic.. to me, making Regionals wasn’t realistic.
But I guess I put it out there enough to the universe that I eventually received it.
A couple years ago I was named alternate for the Crossfit Southie team. So I had a little taste of.. oh that’s what it would be like and realized it was possible, but then the rules of the Crossfit Games changed and I just kinda gave it up.
But here we are.. and I’m living out a dream.

Then I think about how terrified I am already. I get it – I Crossfit for fun. If I wanted to train just to be healthy I would deadlift, squat, bench, do pull ups and sprint and call it a day, but I think Crossfit is really fun and that’s what keeps me coming back. So THIS, the Open, making team, going to Regionals.. it’s for FUN, but it’s still so scary to me.
I couldn’t sleep last night after we got the official invitation because I’m so afraid I’m going to let someone down or like, what would I do when it comes time to snatch 135 pounds and I can’t do it? Am I gonna like like a big jerk? Oh and then speaking of jerks, that movement of mine isn’t all too impressive either. Yeah… that’s on my mind right now.
But the thing is that outside of your comfort zone is where the magic happens.
I know people say that all the time in fitness – like, oh.. sprinting faster or saying no to cake makes you better. NO. I mean, when you are really, really effing scared to do something.. the things you lose sleep over. The things that make you cry and fight yourself and question EVERYTHING.. that kind of outside of the comfort zone.
When I first started seeing my current boyfriend.. even to this day.. I’m terrified. He has so much of my heart and I have opened up to him so much it has made me so incredibly vulnerable because for once in my life I actually care. But if I have any desire to truly experience love, I have to let myself me open.
And in business.. do you have any clue how scary it is to not know how you are going to pay rent or where your next paycheck is going to come from? Yeah.. self employment is really tough. But let me tell you.. every single day of my life I love what I do and I feel deeply fulfilled doing it.
This is just like that. It’s scary as hell but I know it will be deeply rewarding.

And the other thing that absolutely fascinating about this is that there were a few things I was told for years I either couldn’t do or should give up on. There would be days I would leave again for the gym and hear, “I don’t know why you spend so much time at Crossfit, it’s not like you are ever going to make Regionals.” Or, “well you aren’t going to make Regionals if you can’t even do muscle ups,” and that training with a gymnastics coach was a waste of my time. Or that I could never build a membership website or ever run a business on my own.
I coped with that at the time because I knew better. I have always been a strong person and I have amazing parents to thank for that. I was raised to believe that if I wanted to do something I could. I saw it first hand my whole life by people in my family. You can always achieve whatever you want if you try. So I knew I better and didn’t take it to heart. But it doesn’t change the fact that I still heard it so often and I just want to put it out there to you guys.. first, if someone, even someone you are extremely close with, tells you that you are incapable of reaching your personal fitness goals.. or any goals, DO NOT LISTEN.
If there is something you want in life, do whatever it takes. It’s going to get uncomfortable. It’s going to be extremely difficult. You will probably want to quit and actually quit more than once. You will go backward. You will sometimes even feel hopeless. But if there even remains the tiniest little flutter inside of you saying, “but what if..” then go for it.
Lately I’ve come to wonder or maybe I could even say realize, that life is giving me a gift now. For years of being patient.. For years of trying to stay the path and do what was right.. For years of playing it safe and now finally not.. For putting it out there to the universe that I wanted more.. I am finally getting more and living a life I feel like is a dream. But I get to wake up every day and realize that this is my reality and I could not feel more grateful and happy.. but happy doesn’t even begin to cut it.
So let me ask you, when have you gotten really, truly, deeply, out of your comfort zone? What did you get from it? How did it change you?
Your Coach,
P.S. I am currently selling the Lean Body Cookbook for a discounted price of $19.99. My goal is to reach 50 copies sold between now and May 20th. The money is going to pay for hotel and airfaire for the trip to Atlanta.
I would never ask for handouts, so I want to give this to you as my thank you.
Get the Lean Body Cookbook on sale here: https://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/leanbodycookbook
It’s 40+ recipes that are made with clean, whole foods, plus a meal planning guide to help you learn how to eat to fuel your body and your workouts, build muscle and lose fat.