
Start Living a Life that Allows You to Feel Confident and Free
Stop Wasting so much Time and Energy on  Habits and Thoughts that Do Not Serve You

3 Month Intensive Health Coaching & Mentorship -  
Remove ALL of the Guesswork for what You Should/ Should not be Doing to Achieve Your Healthiest Body and Life

(Specifically for Women who are Ready for a Whole-Life Approach to their Health to Get and MAINTAIN Results)

Exclusive Mentorship and Coaching with Health and Fitness Expert Kyra Williams

Kyra Williams is a highly experienced personal trainer and health coach with experience of helping others since 2010. She has the gift of inspiring, motivating and teaching others to help themselves live their healthiest and happiest lives.

In her 20's Kyra felt lethargic, depressed and embarrassed about her body. She set out to make changes and never looked back. Since then she has competed in bikini shows, half marathons, the CrossFit Games, and USA Weightlifting World Masters. When Kyra decided to make fitness her life, she meant it.

Now her passion is truly helping others. With education and experience in human biology, nutrition, personal training, hormonal fat loss, post partum health,  mindset mastery she is equipped to help you make the necessary changes to help you live a life of joy and confidence. 

She specializes in helping women improve their relationship with food, prioritize themselves, and creating habits that align with health, freedom and happiness.

What is Included in the 1:1 Coaching Mentorship -  

45 minute intensive

Initial consultation

After applying for the mentorship we will meet virtually to really get to know one another. We will go deep into your hopes, dreams and goals as well as your frustrations and fears. Make sure you read the FAQ below regarding sign up fees for more on this.

25 minute LIVE check ins

Weekly Check Ins

Every week we will have a set date and time when we check in. These are based on your preference. We can do Zoom, Skype, or Voxer video/audio chat in real time, Voxer text or email. These can include going over your weekly journals, food/ health tracking apps, food logs or even do a training session.

Unlimited email/ text support

Daily support

You will have unlimited access to me between the hours of 9am-5pm eastern time (I believe in boundaries, which I will also teach you) via email or texting via Voxer. This is really helpful if you need help game planning what to eat out on date night, if you are struggling emotionally and want to cope with food or you just need a quick modification your workout.

What you are eating and WHY

Weekly Food journal audits

We will go through what eating choices you are making together. Every week, as part of your check in, we will look at your food choices each day and why you chose each item. Often times we make decisions that do not serve us, but a simple "don't eat that" doesn't work as a long term solution. We will look at WHY you chose each item and determine something else that works for you that may be more aligned with your body and goals.

An eating plan just for you

Custom Nutrition Protocol

No two women are the same. There are so many factors that determine what we should eat. We all have different schedules, different goals, different body types, hormone profiles, metabolisms, digestive systems, energy levels, preferences, external influences, allergies and intolerances. All of those things must be honored in order for us to succeed long term. Sure, you can follow a one-size-fits-all plan for a few days or weeks, but then what? When you get off track you begin to feel like a failure. By taking a custom approach we can ensure you are on the right plan for you. This can range from sample meals, to meal plan templates to macros. There are many options, but we will set you up on what is going to work best for you.

Workouts specific to you

Personalized training plan

Your workouts will be created specifically for you. We consider everything including your body type, physical limitations, goals, schedule, injuries, strengths and weaknesses. And, in our initial consultation we go over a few movements so I can visually see what we may need to work on. Based on all of these things I will create a workout program (what workouts you will do on what days) for you and the specific workouts (the specific exercises and sets/ reps) you will do as well. These will be sent to you via email and be available for you via a free app. Also, all exercises will include links to high quality and quick video demos.

You're here because you are desperate for change, feel hopeful for a fresh start but afraid of the unknown - I get it.. 

I don't take your decision to work with me lightly. I personally have been let down by a coach and I know how much that hurts. 

I have also worked with a lot of women who have gotten burned either by unmet promises or uneducated recommendations. I've also watched countless women join, feel excited for a few weeks then stop following through. This program literally GUARANTEES your success. 

Look, you want to change, but change is hard. We all have our daily life habits and they are hard to break. It's so easy to just go back to familiar patterns until we understand why we are making the choices we make. 

One main focus in our time together will be determining why you make the choices you make.

Perhaps you continue to skip your early morning workouts. Is it because you are up late scrolling? I can't just tell you to stop. Shoot.. I tell myself to stop and I don't! We have to look at why you continue to scroll and sabotage yourself with that habit. 

Or perhaps every night you sit down with a bag of popcorn in front of the TV and mindlessly munch, which keeps you from losing belly fat. You are never going to stop this habit long term unless we address the emotions and thoughts leading up to that decision to munch.

And I know change is super scary, but I am here for you. 

As someone who has done this herself and coached hundreds of women through this, I am prepared. I know what's coming next, likely before you do! 

I will help you create a plan that works for you so you are prepared. 

And if/ when you fail (because expecting perfection is completely unrealistic) we will turn those moments into a learning experience so you can grow from it and do better next time.

What It's Like to Work with Kyra -

Ready to take action today?

$499.99  $2800

Not everyone is accepted into the mentorship program.
We have to make sure we vibe well first 😉

Let's Talk Investment..

I've tested this service at different price points (and different levels of access to me) and after tweaking and perfecting this to get you the BEST results, this is the deal..

I know you're scared.

I know you are hesitant.

If you are like most of my clients, you have never worked with a coach before (or maybe you have and been burnt) or invested this much in yourself and truly committed to prioritizing yourself. 

But you want results and deserve to put yourself first.

This program involves a lot of time working directly with me. If you were to hire a personal trainer for five sessions a week, that's $1300 a month. If you were to see a life coach once a week, that's minimum $480 a month. If you were to work with a nutritionist that's about $1000 a month, which totals $2780 a month. 

I am offering you this level of access to me for $500. Pretty insane when you look at it that way right?

And when we pay, we PAY ATTENTION.

I want you to succeed. I want you to keep your promises to yourself.

I want you to stop wasting so much of your time doing workouts that aren't helping and trying to figure out what to eat all day long. I want you to stop feeling bad about yourself because you "can't stick to" your (crash) diet or binge at night. I want you to not waste money on pills/powders, trainers that don't listen to you and the latest craze you "must" do to lose weight.

I will do everything in my power to ensure your success. You just need to show up. 

And if you don't believe, me, read my guarantee.

Frequently asked questions - 

What is the first thing that will happen when I join?

When you join you will immediately receive a questionnaire from me via email, VIP access to my website (educational modules, workouts, meal plan templates, etc) and our private Facebook group to connect with others. I will also reach out to schedule our initial consultation right away.  

Once we have our consultation I will create your plan based on your lifestyle and dietary needs, goals and anything else we need to consider. 

What is the cost?

In total the cost is $1499.99 for three months of mentorship access. Here is how it's broken down:

There is a $50 fee for the initial consultation, but this is given back to you over the course of your payments. So rather than paying $50 at first, then paying $499.99 x 3, you pay $50 to start then pay $483.33 x 3. Once you pay the $50, the future payments begin in 7 days.

I also offer the option to pay in full. Please go here to access that option.

Why do I have to apply?

I want to make sure we are a good fit. I have certain criteria I look for in clients just as you have that in your coach. Plus, we need to make sure we vibe well together because we will be spending a lot of time communicating with each other. We just generally need to be on the same page so you apply, we do a consultation and then we can decide from there!

What's up with the consultation?

We do a 45 minute initial consultation after the application. We will dive in much deeper into the info you sent me in the application and determine if I am the right coach for you and you are the right client for me. 

We are going to be working together a lot and we need to be as sure as possible that this is going to work. There is a $50 fee for the consultation, but should you sign up for the mentorship, you get that $50 back. Once you fill out the application I will be in touch the same (business) day to schedule a time to meet, virtually.

What is your guarantee?

When you join you pay $50 for the consultation fee. If you would like a refund on that fee (and have not done the consultation) you may request to receive your $50 back and all future payments will be canceled. This must be done within 5 days.

If you have completed the initial consultation, you still have 7 days from the day you signed up to request a refund. All will be refunded with the exception of the $50 fee. So if you paid $483.33 you would receive $433.33 back and future payments will be canceled. 

To receive this you must email

Please see more at the refunds, terms and conditions page here.

This is a big investment - I'm really unsure about this..

Yes, $500 a month is nothing to take lightly. But if you hired a personal trainer, a life coach and a nutritionist, you are spending well over $2800 a month. Not to mention all of the money on doctor visits, insurance and meds if you become very unhealthy. 

But when you invest in yourself you follow through. 

I can't tell you how many friends I've seen join a gym but never go. Or how many people have bought one of my $50 programs and didn't follow through. When you put your money where your mouth is, you mean it and you will see it through.

And it's not really about the money, is it? You are afraid of what's next.. what you are capable of.. but listen. I GOT YOU. I will be there for you and WITH you, every step of the way.

What if I don't have a ton of free time?

I'm not going to sugarcoat this, at first it will feel like a lot. Anytime you start something new it takes mental energy and some time. But within a couple of weeks it will begin feeling like second nature. 

I will email you everything you will need. You will know what to eat, how much and when. You will know what workouts to do. I will make sure these things fit into your schedule and time constraints. 

There is a free app, plus you can access me quickly/ easily with Voxer. I will simplify things as much as possible for you, so the time commitment is as much or as little as you want.

But there's never going to be a GOOD time to start. You are always going to have a lot going on, many commitments and when you think you are good, life will throw something at you.

You deserve to prioritize yourself for once because if you don't please just take 10 seconds to imagine where you will be...

I struggle to stick with things after a few weeks..

That is exactly why you need to do this. We are going to determine why you do that. Do you self sabotage when things get good because you are scared of what you are capable of? Do you lose motivation when the shine wears off? 

There's many reasons why this happens and we need to determine why it happens to you. The only way to ever overcome it is to get to the root and that's exactly what we are going to do over the course of these 12 weeks.

Most trainers just want my money but never listen or work around my issues. Will that happen this time?

NO. My number one goal is to make sure you feel seen and heard. I may not have every answer to every problem but I promise you I will do the research and help you figure out a solution to whatever it is that is happening.

I currently work with women who are newly post partum, in peri-menopause, are post menopause, have PCOS, have an autoimmune condition, have food allergies, intolerance, low thyroid, back/ knee/ hip/ shoulder pain and/ or injuries, elevated blood sugar.... The list goes on. 

I can work with you if you are willing to do the work too.

I want to do this but I'm going on vacation...

I will teach you how to eat/ drink/ handle yourself on any trip because this is a lifestyle approach. I do not expect my clients to live in a bubble. I want you to go away, go on date nights, have weekend getaways with girlfriends and put this stuff to the test.

This is truly about lifestyle changes, not just something you do when you "have time."

I'm nervous...

Big changes are scary. The unknown is scary. I respect that.

But I help you through the unknown so you cannot fail. Either I've been through what you are going to go through or I've helped another client through it. I've been at this since 2010, remember? 

I probably know what is going to happen before you do so I am prepared and will help you navigate your way.

Plus, I am all about learning experiences. Life isn't perfect. You are not going to be perfect. But if you can learn from each experience it will make you stronger and better.

What if I fail?

You will learn. 

I'm not going to tell you that you won't make mistakes or you won't have set backs because that's not how life works. 

But I will ask you what you learned which requires you to think. 

As you go back to old habits that don't serve you I will ask you to look at that, why you made that choice and what you could do better/ differently going forward. And as you continue to go through life you will remember back at what happened last time and not make the same choice that does not serve you again.

Do I need to live in the US?

Nope. Everything is done via internet so no crazy phone call or text fees. But my hours will remain Monday - Friday 9am-5pm Eastern.

I've had clients in Norway, Australia, Canada, Germany the UK and the Philippines and we have all made it work!

I am considering this but want to ask a few questions first..

Sweet! Email 

Do I have to buy supplements?

Nope. I don't sell supplements.

Ready to take action today?

$499.99  $2800

Not everyone is accepted into the mentorship program.
We have to make sure we vibe well first 😉

Copyright © Kyra Williams Fitness. All Rights Reserved

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