When you diet and exercise and still have a hard time losing body fat, you have to dig deeper as to why. Eating clean food is great, as is doing HIIT workouts and strength training, but you don’t stand a chance when your hormones are out of whack. Find out why in this video..


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In previous videos I spoke about the major hormones such as insulin, glucagon, cortisol, catecholamines, HGH and testosterone. Well here are seven others that need to be considered:

  1. Leptin – This hormone is made in the fat cells and their job is to tell the brain we are full. We can become resistant to leptin if you over eat often. When we eat quickly we do not give this hormone time to do it’s job and we can over eat before we know it. We certainly do not want to become resistant to this hormone because if it doesn’t do it’s job in telling us we are full, it gets easier and easier to over eat.
  2. Grehlin – This is made in the stomach and it’s job is to tell our brain we are hungry and is easily controlled by eating small, frequent meals. Carbohydrates suppress this hormone quickly, but only short term, as carbs digest so fast. Protein and fiber suppress is it for a longer time, so when eating, making sure we get in our protein and fiber first, then carbs secondary is a great tip for losing fat and staving off hunger.
  3. GIP (gastric inhibitory peptide) – This is made in the small intestine and it’s job is to shut down hunger in the brain as well as tell the pancreas to make insulin to control our blood sugar as we eat. It is first stimulated by carbs, then stimulated by protein and fiber. GIP raises lipo protein lipase (LPL) an enzyme that is fat storing, so GIP is more of a fat storing hormone. While fat alone does not trigger GIP, when you have been on a high fat/ low carb diet for a while and you suddenly re-introduce carbohydrates, it can cause you to store a large amount of fat when GIP kicks in from those carbs. So if you are in ketosis, don’t bounce in and out every week.
  4. GLP-1 (glucagon like peptide) – This hormone is made in the upper, middle and lower intestines. It is first stimulated by protein, then by starch, fat and fiber. It is more fat burning, so YAY protein!!
  5. CCK (cholecystokinin) – This hormone is made in the upper intestine by fat and protein and shuts off hunger in the brain.
  6. PYY (peptide YY) – This hormone is stimulated by eating protein and fiber, it slows digestion in the gut and shuts off hunger in the brain – so yay protein and fiber!  (More on protein and fiber here.)
  7. ASP (acylation stimulating protein) – This hormone is stimulated by eating fat and also having your insulin elevated together. (More on fat and carbs here.) This hormone stimulates more insulin production which is the why when you eat high fat and high carb it’s a double whammy of insulin.


Do you need help figuring out the right clean eating meal plan for you?

Go to Commit2FitCoaching.com/freeassessment and let me help you.


Your Coach,



P.S. Everyone is different. Some people need more carbs, more food, different workouts from others. It’s all individualized which is why I run #Commit2Fit with personalized clean eating meal plans and workout plans. Everything should be custom and designed specifically for YOU.

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