Do you struggle with taking the first step toward your fitness goals? Do you get overwhelmed? Is getting started the biggest struggle for you? If you struggle with taking the first step toward your personal fitness goals, here’s how to change it.


It has been said that the brain has a difficult time starting a project or a task. When you’re uncertain on what the first step will be it’s easy to get overwhelmed. It is much easier to not do anything. So one of the best things that you can do is make the first action step really simple.

In her book, Money: A Love Story, Kate Northrop says, not being able to determine the next finite step for a project or task is one of our major sources for feeling overwhelmed.

She states, “once we identify and capture the next step our brain can relax and feel at peace so it doesn’t have to continue to remind us out of fear we will forget. And when things feel too big to handle there’s not exact step to take. So we do nothing.”

So, to overcome this, what you have to do is write down one thing you can do to start working toward your project or goal. But if you look at that one thing and it still causes panic, think smaller, until it seems simple and manageable. Access เข้าสู่ระบบ UFABET ที่นี่ right here.

Let’s say, for example, you want to lose 20 pounds. When you start thinking about that, you don’t really know where to start so you decide to join the gym. But three weeks go by and you still don’t join, so clearly that was still too big of a task. In this case, the better small step you could take might be to ask your friend for their trainer’s phone number. (Or if you’re reading this, then the first step would be to sign up for workouts with me.)

Or let’s say, you hired me to  create a meal plan but following through on this meal plan has been put on the back burner for the last month. You want to start but it all just seems like a lot and you feel really overwhelmed. My suggestion would be to start by simply printing out the plan that I gave you. That’s super simple and anyone can do that. Then maybe the next step would be to identify one meal a day that you are going to begin following. Let’s say that is breakfast.. Take a look at what grocery items you have in your house compared to what’s written on the plan and buy the food that you need for the week. Then once you have that down, perhaps the next week you begin focusing on healthy dinners that are on the plan. And so on and so forth.

You don’t always have to dive all the way in and change everything to get the results that you want. Just take one small step to change one thing, make that habit like it’s second nature. And then the next step. Then the next step. Doing things this way will, save you from the stress of being overwhelmed and will move you in the right direction toward your goals.

If you struggle with getting started, I can help you. I currently have three spots open for mentorship opportunities. If you are struggling to get started working toward your goals, this would be a great program for you. We can work together to determine what your first step should be, as well as future steps, so you can the body always dreamed of. You can learn more about this mentorship opportunity here

Your Coach,

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