Your thyroid gland makes thyroid hormone which controls your metabolism, the process your body uses to transform food to energy necessary for living and functioning. If your thyroid does not create enough hormones or your body struggles to turn inactive version to the active version a host of issues can arise.

With low thyroid you may struggle with the inability to lose weight, brain fog, low mood, constipation, hair loss, chronic fatigue, infertility, etc. If your thyroid gland makes too much and your become hyperthyroid you may deal with other issues such as diarrhea, anxiety, weight loss, increased appetite, muscle weakness, inability to sleep, etc.

The gut converts 20% of inactive thyroid hormone to active thyroid hormone. Also, about 2/3 of thyroid disease is autoimmune in nature and since 70% of the immune system is in the gut, this is where a lot of autoimmunity begins. So it feels natural to really hone in on supporting the gut to support the thyroid.

In this interview Naturopathic Physician and Author of Natural Solutions to Digestive Health, Jillian Teta, and I discuss how you can support your thyroid health through the gut. These practices are entirely holistic and can be done in conjunction with traditional medical interventions as well.

If you want to feel great and live a life full of energy, happiness and achievements despite thyroid dysfunction, this interview is for you!


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