I get it.. you want to lose fat. Let’s discuss the right (and wrong) kind of cardio you can do to create a lean physique.

Maybe it’s 30 pounds, maybe it’s just that last little pinch of belly fat. But either way, if you’re looking for a lean, ripped physique, running is likely to not do it.

Yep.. there are some ripped runners out there but chances are that is their genetic disposition. Being low body fat lends itself to being a good runner. But they aren’t the average person with a lot of “junk in the trunk.” 😉

If you want a lean, toned physique your best bet for your daily workouts is to lift weights several times a week to build muscle then do high intensity interval training (HIIT) a few times or low intensity cardio.

What are those things?

HIIT is cardio done in intervals, up to about 30 seconds. You get at least 1:1, up to 3:1 rest periods, and goes at most 20 minutes for a session. Sorry to tell you that your 10 minute AMRAP and spin classes are actually moderate intensity cardio.

For low intensity cardio I mean things like light yoga or going for a walk (not power walk) or easy bike ride. It should be leisurely.

These things allow you to get your heart rate up, lose fat but save your hard earned muscle.

Moderate intensity cardio is going to include your typical gym classes like orange theory, spin, your 10..15..30 minute AMRAPS, a mile or more run, etc.

These will start by burning up the stored carbs in your body then they may cause you to catabolize your muscle.

But listen, if you love running.. do it. I believe we should do the things we love, I just want you to be informed. Not all cardio is created equal. There are kinds of cardio you can do to create a lean physique. There are kinds of cardio you can do that are less effective.

If you are looking for the perfect amount of lifting, cardio and your daily workout routine written out for you to lose fat and build muscle, I got you!

Sign up for online personal training at kyrawilliamsfitness.com and let me take of your daily workouts for you!

Your Coach,

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