Our digestive system plays a huge role in our body’s ability to lose fat. If something is going wrong in the digestive system, chances are we won’t be able to lose fat effectively. Find out why in this video..


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Our digestive system have four primary roles:

1. It’s our first defense against the outer world. It defends the rest of our body against harmful bacteria and yeast, pollutants and alcohol. It is literally where our immune system lies. If our digestive system is compromised then we cannot effectively protect our body against these things and we can become very sick.

2. It is where our enteric nervous system lies. The gut is also considered the body’s second brain. The ENS communicates with the CNS (central nervous system) through the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. So for example, if we get stressed out by an upcoming event like speaking in public, we may have to poop a lot. That’s that communication!

The ENS also communicates with the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which controls functions of our body including breathing, our heart rate and blood pressure.

3. Our digestive system detoxifies our body 24/7. The role of our kidneys, liver, lungs and skin is to detoxify and the kidneys and liver are two organs of the digestive system. When these organs are fully functioning because we help them by following a clean eating meal plan, they can work to the best of their abilities.

4. The digestive system makes a whole bunch of hormones that are necessary in helping our body function properly. If we want our systems firing, we need to fuel it properly.


If you want to learn more about the digestive system check out part II of this article/ video here.


Do you need help figuring out the right clean eating meal plan for you?

Go to Commit2FitCoaching.com/freeassessment and let me help you.


Your Coach,



P.S. Everyone is different. Some people need more carbs, more food, different workouts from others. It’s all individualized which is why I run #Commit2Fit with personalized clean eating meal plans and workout plans. Everything should be custom and designed specifically for YOU.

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