When you diet and exercise and still have a hard time losing body fat, you have to dig deeper as to why. Eating clean food is great, as is doing HIIT workouts and strength training, but you don’t stand a chance if your digestive system is not functioning properly. Find out why in this video..


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First, to find out the role of the digestive system as a whole, check out Part I of this three part series here.

Then check out Part II here.


Here are other organs that are part of the digestive system:

1. The pancreas. The pancreas secretes insulin and glucagon for blood sugar control. When you eat something that elevates your blood sugar, insulin guides your blood sugar into your cells and that lowers the sugar in your blood. If you go a long time without eating anything, your blood sugar will drop and glucagon is secreted by your pancreas to break down liver glycogen to raise your blood sugar.

The pancreas also makes enzymes and other compounds to break down food for the GI tract. Protein, fat and carbohydrates all need different enzymes. If the pancreas is not functioning properly (due to age, chronic stress, poor diet, and inflammation) and it is not making all of it’s enzymes, this is called panreatic insufficiency. At first this begins as bloating, gas and finding undigested food in your stool, but can turn into leaky gut (compromising the lining of the small intestine), osteoporsis, malnutrition and diabetes.


2. The liver. The liver has many roles in our body, but mostly it’s a filtration system. For example, it filters our entire body’s volume of blood 500x every day. It also changes nutrients into usable forms for our cells. It filters out lipo-proteins, cholesterol, spent hormones, metabolic waste products and inflammatory molecules and send them into the intestine to get pooped out. However, if we aren’t pooping regularly they get sent back into the liver giving it more work to do so it can’t function at it’s peak. The liver also produces bile that helps break down fats to be used by the body, then that bile gets store in the gallbladder to be used.


3. The gallbladder. When we eat fat, the small intestine produces a hormone called CCK. CCK tells the gallbladder to contract and it tells the pancreas to make enzymes and an alkaline substance to prepare the intestines for that acidic food product. If the gallbladder is not functioning properly, eating fat can become toxic to the body. To keep the gallbladder happy it needs fiber and water. If it does not get that and becomes unhappy, hormone dysfunction can take place which means the gallbladder can’t contract and it builds up “sludge” and you will end up with gallstones and the possible need for removal.


Find out what happens next.. https://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/the-digestive-systems-impact-on-fat-loss-part-iv/


Do you need help figuring out the right clean eating meal plan for you?

Go to Commit2FitCoaching.com/freeassessment and let me help you.


Your Coach,



P.S. Everyone is different. Some people need more carbs, more food, different workouts from others. It’s all individualized which is why I run #Commit2Fit with personalized clean eating meal plans and workout plans. Everything should be custom and designed specifically for YOU.

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