Protein and fiber.. the base of what a solid clean eating meal plan should be based on. if you want to build muscle.. If you want to lose fat.. If you want to be healthy.. If you want to feel energized..

YOU NEED LOTS OF PROTEIN AND FIBER.  Find out why in this video..


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Protein has minimal impact on your insulin, thus it is very difficult for protein to be stored as fat. Protein does help your muscles recover so it’s important to not only have post workout (whey isolate is the fastest digesting and thus, the best PWO) but it’s important to have throughout your day.


Fiber has minimal impact on your insulin, thus being very difficult if even possible to be stored as fat. Fiber is indigestible so your body has to just poop it out, which is good because it helps make other waste come out too. So ultimately fiber is super important because it is good for our gut health, and when our gut is working properly we feel good and will look good. More on that in another video to come later.


How much fiber and how much protein is right for you is very dependent upon the individual – everyone requires different amounts, which is why I only work with clients 1:1 for meal planning via #Commit2Fit.


But because fiber and protein are so great for us, they help our bodies stay healthy, they help us build muscle and ultimately help us lose fat, if you are finding that you are still hungry, are having cravings or don’t have that much energy, start by adding foods that have lots of protein and fiber like salmon, eggs, broccoli and peas. Even apples and berries have lots of fiber too. By adding these foods in they can help you with all of those things and will ultimately help you lose fat along the way!


Do you need help figuring out the right clean eating meal plan for you?

Go to and let me help you.


Your Coach,



P.S. Everyone is different. Some people can have a greater deficit and lose fat than others. It’s all individualized which is why I run #Commit2Fit with personalized meal plans. Everything should be custom and designed specifically for YOU.

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