As humans we are all different. We have different schedules, different DNA, different attitudes, different goals, different bodies, different EVERYTHING!

What works for me right now won’t necessarily work for you, and what works for you may not work for your brother.  What works for your brother may not work for the young lady who bags his groceries every weekend.  

We all have distractions, other commitments and priorities we have to consider when creating our schedule to fit in our daily workouts into our routine.  It is my job to help my clients get past those things and either find a daily workout program that will fit their demanding schedule and it’s my job to pick my clients up by their boot straps and help them realize that they CAN make changes because they are worth it.  But it does come to a point where I cannot beg someone to stick to their workout program or follow their clean eating meal plan as the change has to come from within.

What is it inside of you that is driving that change?   Do you want to make changes in your life because you want to be an active mom who can run around all day with your kids and then have the energy to cook dinner and spend quality time with your husband at night?  Do you want to make changes because you know that if you don’t it could lead to osteoporosis or heart problems as you age?  Do you want to make changes because you want to feel good in your own skin and you want to build confidence?

And to be perfectly honest, you need to ask yourself.. do you truly want to change?  If you don’t, that’s okay!  Be happy with that!  I am well aware of the fact that the jelly beans I eat before my daily workout are not good for me, but seriously, I DO NOT WANT TO CHANGE. I’m okay with having a bit of sugar in my diet so I’m not going to sit around saying “well, I know I should stop eating sugar.  Can you help me quit eating jelly beans?” because I do not want to change.  

So why would you ask me or another trainer to help you lose five pounds when you want to keep eating ice cream every night after dinner?  Why not be happy with your body the way it is?  Thank your body for being strong enough to carry you the three miles you just ran and enjoy your ice cream!

Every single person on this entire planet deserves to find that happiness with themselves.  It is not easy to come by.  

Maybe you will find happiness when you realize you shouldn’t feel so guilty about skipping one workout a week.  Maybe you will find happiness when you realize that it’s okay to go to yoga and dance classes and that you don’t HAVE TO go to bootcamp seven times in a week.  Maybe you will find happiness when you realize that you would rather enjoy wine a few nights a week with your girlfriends rather than constantly worry about how many calories you consume every single day.

At the end of the day we have to realize that we are only on this planet for a very short time and we need to make the most of it.  Does that mean you should strength train to keep our bones strong?  Yeah!  But you don’t have to do it for 12 hours a week.  Does it mean you should go for brisk walks with your husband or friend or challenge yourself with HIIT cardio to keep your heart and lungs healthy?  Yes!  But just because your friend ran a marathon and you can’t make it 26.2 miles doesn’t make you less of a person.  Does it mean you should eat chicken breast and apples and oatmeal?  Of course!  But that’s not the only thing you should eat and just because you have cheats doesn’t mean you are a failure.

I’m all about helping clients find their health and their happiness!  Health can mean anything from not being obese to being able to run for more than a mile and it also includes their mental health.

It is my job to challenge my clients – to get them out of their comfort zone or to challenge them to stay on track.  But when it comes down to it my job is to help my clients find happiness.  Happiness will not come through six pack abs.  Happiness will not come through finishing a road race.  Can those things help?  Sure.  Maybe.  But if you can set a goal, stick to the plan and accomplish that goal (no matter what it is) THAT is what is going to help you find happiness.

So now it is up to you to figure out what you truly want and why. Let go of the thing you don’t truly care about, make peace with yourself and your body. Do the things you need to do to make yourself healthy physically, but mentally as well.

Your Coach,

P.S. Do you need help with the goals you actually want to achieve and want to work with someone that will push you where and when you need to be pushed? Learn more about my 1:1 program, #Commit2Fit at

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