Today let’s discuss sugar alcohols. These are things like erythritol, xylitol, maltitol, etc.

They’re commonly found in sugar free treats like dressings, cookies, syrups, protein shakes, bars, etc.

People like them because they aren’t technically sugar and are very low calorie so they make the food taste sweet.. but at what cost?

They’re aren’t fully digested and absorbed in the gut so they don’t raise your blood sugar or elicit an insulin response, so they’re diabetic friendly. 

But they make you think you’re eating something sweet so your brain is awaiting that dopamine release that never happens because you’re never actually eating sugar, so the cravings remain, potentially worse than before. 

Plus, like I said, they’re not truly digested which could make them a major gut irritant so they’re often the cause of digestive issues. This is ultimately is a stressor on the body and a potential cause of inflammation.

In my opinion, you are better off skipping them. Focusing on getting loads of protein, fiber and healthy fat to help curb cravings and when the craving for something sweet arises, having actual sugar. 

Ultimately, if your gut isn’t healthy, YOU are not healthy. If you are not healthy, you cannot lose fat. 

Prioritize gut health first.
Beat your sugar addiction.
Enjoy real sugar sweet treats in moderation.
Be healthy and lose fat.

If you need help with this, I got you! Sign up for online personal training and upgrade to custom clean eating meal planning with me. 
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