February is the month of love and the ultimate form of self love is self respect. But the way I see so many people treat themselves by what they consume, their habits, choices and lack of boundaries, it doesn’t seem very respectful. So I have to ask.. Do you ACTUALLY respect yourself? Let’s look deeper..

Recently I started reading Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and one of the tenants to eating intuitively is respecting yourself enough to feed your more of the food it needs. Our bodies need nourishment through high quality macronutrients like protein as well as micronutrient dense foods. It can bring us joy to consume more indulgent things like fresh baked croissants with a latte. But that’s wholly different than hitting the drive through daily because you didn’t make time to cook dinner.

When you recognize your body for what it’s done for you – perhaps it makes babies, walks 12k steps for you each day, harbors your soul as you are on Earth – it’s easier to look at it with a sense of pride and respect. If you don’t feel like you really respect your body, take a moment and recognize what it’s done for you. Then start feeding it like you respect it.

It’s not just food though. It’s all of your habits. Are you smoking/ vaping? How is that respectful to your body? Are you choosing to move it each day? The body was built for regular physical activity of some sort. The body wasn’t created to sit at a desk all day. Are you starving it because you don’t think it deserves food? Are you depriving it of sleep?

The human body has certain basic needs such as sunlight, water, nutrients and movement. When you don’t give it those things it will not cooperate with you when you ask something of it. And I know you know this, but are you ignoring it? Do you refuse to set the boundaries you need to meet your needs?

This is likely going to be tough to read, but if you are not setting boundaries to take care of your basic needs, you are doing yourself a huge disservice. Yes, other people need you to do things. I know jobs can be demanding, kids, husbands, home life, etc. But you have to say no sometimes. If you don’t, your body will fail and you won’t have any other choice but to say no.

Setting boundaries and prioritizing your needs (daily movement is not a want, for example, it is a need) is a form of self respect. If your office receive a catered lunch that is not micronutrient dense and you don’t even enjoy that food, declining that food to eat your meal prep lunch is a boundary and form of self respect. A form of self respect is asking your husband to watch his kids (yes, they are his too) while you make everyone a healthy dinner or do your daily workout. Turning the TV off and setting down your phone early enough to get 7-8 hours of sleep is a form of self respect.

If you don’t respect yourself enough to do these things, I would suggest speaking with a therapist or life coach. It’s possible that are much bigger issues here outside of my realm of expertise. Or start faking it until you make it, and that may help to a certain extent. But at the end of the day, nothing changes long term until you get to the root of the issue.

I hope this opens your eyes a bit, and even more so your heart. And if this triggers you, there’s likely a reason why…

What are you choosing to do today to show yourself some respect? Comment below!
Respect yourself with choosing to do daily workouts – sign up for online personal training with me here.

Your Coach,

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