This is the time of the year where long, intense, perfect gym workouts may not work for your schedule. But you can always workout at home. Here are some do’s and don’t’s of home workouts to consider.

Do set a schedule for yourself.

When you have a plan you are more likely to follow through. Every Sunday lay out the days and times you are going to train so you are prepared. Go ahead and write out the workouts you are going to do when as well.

Don’t just wing it. If you don’t have a plan for the times you are going to train and the workouts you are going to do, your “plan” is wishy washy. Part of what I offer my clients is the plan for when they can do their workouts and what workouts to do at those times.

Do hold yourself accountable.

These workouts are just as important as when you are on your normal schedule. Just because you change the setting doesn’t mean they are less valuable. Working out is just as much for your brain as it is your body.

Don’t allow yourself to skip because you find home workouts unmotivating. When you make a promise to yourself and don’t keep it, it breaks trust with yourself. This can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety and struggling in the future with accountability.

Do challenge yourself.

Just because you are exercising at home doesn’t mean it has to be easy. Even if you don’t have heavy weights you can ramp up your intensity by taking less rest or doing more dynamic movements like jumping lunges or dumbbell swings.

Don’t convince yourself it’s a waste before you even start. You never know how the workout may turn out. 

Do have a few pieces of equipment handy.

I recommend these booty bands for exercises like banded hip thrusts or banded high plank walk outs. They add an extra challenge to these bodyweight exercises. I also love this resistance band system. You can do entire workouts with these systems like these lunge and presses

Don’t get into a rut and only do bodyweight movements. If you need help getting creative, let’s work together on a plan for you. Coaching is open now – get the details here.

Do create specific space in your home.

The makes it feel a little more comfortable and official. It also sets a boundary with others in your home that this is something you need to be happy and successful. 

Don’t worry if you don’t have a lot of equipment. You can get in a solid workout with a set of dumbbells, a stability ball and even the steps in your home.

Do get others involved.

Invite your family to join in. Make it fun for others and be a good role model. It will help the time go by faster, helps you bond and makes it more fun. However, if this is your alone time, continue practicing the self care and do it on your own.

Don’t be upset if they don’t want to join in, especially at first. It’s not personal, they just haven’t prioritized fitness like you have. But if they see you doing it day in and day out, they will probably feel the urge soon too.

Do skip the things you absolutely hate.

Of course there are benefits to doing hard things – they make you mentally strong. But if it’s between the squat jumps that you hate and not working out at all, skip them. You want the barrier to entry as simple as possible while creating momentum and starting a habit.

Don’t get stuck on being perfect. Perfectionism is a defense mechanism that keeps you safe. Our brains struggle with new habits – it’s really hard. But if you do something half way, it’s a heck of a lot better than not doing it at all. Do it messy. Do it imperfectly. But just do it.

Do multitask.

Listen to a podcast. Put on your favorite TV show. Workout while brainstorming next week’s meal plan. The point is to make it something you look forward to, not something you hate.

Don’t multi task at the detriment of your health. When you need to focus on a movement so you engage your muscles properly or don’t get injured, please focus. 

Do front load the week.

If you can workout on Sunday, start then. That way if you workout Sunday, Monday and Tuesday you’ve already done three workouts that week. Anything else is a bonus!

Don’t say screw it if you miss a workout. One or two workouts a week is much better than zero.

Do you need workouts your can do from home? My online personal training workouts require only minimal equipment and many of my clients workout from home too. Sign up at

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