For the last couple of weeks I’ve had a tough time getting to the gym to do my workouts.

I’m wearing many hats lately. My website crashed a few weeks ago and I’m completely redesigning it. Check it out! I’m so proud of my work.

I’m also re-creating how online training works and creating a new nutrition and workout program too.

This involves so much. Researching new apps, designing new artwork, creating/ editing/ producing new videos, learning SEO.. it’s a lot. I love it, and it makes me not want to get up from my desk.

I’m also a little tired because I stay up late researching and creating itineraries fo our trip to NYC in September and our honeymoon next year to Oslo, Lofoten, Stockholm and Copenhagen.

Oh, and I’m preparing for our wedding in New Orleans, I’m going back to school, I’m a dog mom, a gf, have a social life and did I mention I’m also a fitness and nutrition coach?!

It’s a lot but it’s good.

So you can see how it would be easy to skip the gym. Even my fitness goals aren’t really a major priority right now, and that’s okay.

But the important thing is that I stick to my routine and I go.

I have time allotted each day for the gym and I have a coach who can get me the best results possible in that short time allotted.

Right now isn’t the season of my life where I make crazy gains in the gym and I know that. But just because I’m busy doesn’t mean I should not bother.

Now is the time to be intentional with my time there. My coach knows how to maximize my time and make it efficient and effective.

That’s why having someone write your workouts is so important. You don’t have to think about what you’re going to do. You’re not going to waste your time on things that don’t do much for you.

It’s all about wham bam thank ya ma’am!

I can offer this for you too.

I’m about to re-launch online personal training on Friday and in correlation with my 40th birthday you can join for $1!

Daily strength and conditioning workouts you can do in under an hour. There are six a week but all I ask from you is three and you WILL get results.

All of your workouts come via app and email, with quick video demos of everything. You can even workout at home if you have dumbbells and a stability ball.

Learn more and join at

Your Coach,

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