Peach Oats

Simple summer oatmeal recipe that makes a delicious breakfast.
Cook Time 10 minutes
Course Breakfast
Calories 213 kcal


  • 38 grams quick cooking oats
  • 80 mL unsweetened coconut milk
  • 80 mL water
  • 100 grams sliced peaches
  • 15 grams maple syrup
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • Pinch of salt


  • Heat water and coconut milk in a pot and bring to a boil. Add oats, peach slices and maple syrup and cook on medium, stirring often until oats are cooked. Add salt, clove and nutmeg, using as much as you want. I would just recommend a pinch of each. 


Calories – 213
Protein – 5g
Carbs – 43g
Fat – 4g
When it comes to salt, invest in some really good salt like this. The taste is incredible. 
(Add to MyFitnessPal here or search for “KWF Basic Mixed Berry Oatmeal.”)
Keyword clean eating meal plan, dairy free, healthy breakfast, low fat, vegan, vegetarian

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