If you’re struggling to get on track with eating and living in a body you love, there’s a chance that instant gratification is keeping you from your goals.

Think about how many times you’ve reached for a piece of candy or a cookie because you feel bored. Or how often you call in a pizza for take out because cooking a meal just seems like too much. Or you order the fries because you “deserve it.”

All of these situations may be caused by your desire you have instant gratification. We live in a world where we can get nearly anything we want with the press of a few buttons. We have apps on our phone for having food delivered. There are influencers online promising you that if you do their detox, in 30 days you can shed layers of fat. You can order new clothes, make up, handbags and shoes online and have it at your door the next day. (I’ve even had some of these things delivered same day.)

We want what we want and we want it now. 

With more things becoming convenient and more being demanded of us, our desire to delay gratification becomes increasingly challenging. We want to feel good and we want to feel good immediately. So, in an effort to feel better, or at least feel different, we reach for things that give us immediate relief

Unfortunately one of the easiest things that hits the spot and is within our budget, is food.

What I ask of you, right now, is to come up with 10 things you can do right at this moment that will bring you gratification. 

I want you to think of at least 5 things that are easy and you can do without leaving your home. These should not take more than 5 minutes. Some of mine include journaling, looking at photos and watching old videos of Stringer, putting on a song I love and singing along, flossing and brushing, going outside to my balcony and just breathing, sending a quick text to a friend to say I love you, or thinking of something I am truly grateful for. But come up with things that don’t involve a hand to mouth motion.

I want you to think of at least 5 more things that are more challenging or time consuming. Some of mine include going to the gym, going to yoga, going for a walk (I really love movement), planning a date night, planning a trip, taking a shower, putting on make up, organizing a drawer or getting outside for some sunlight.

The idea is that when you start to feel low, you stop right away and do one of these things. 

That’s why you need some bigger ones that take longer. These are the ones that fill you up so much it takes a bit longer to get to empty. But you need some easy ones that you can access very quickly to get you out of the red. And watch yourself become a happier person. Less relying on things that don’t really fulfill you and more relying on the things that do.

Food is just one of the many crutches we have, but food is so common and it’s a big one that may be keeping you from reaching your health and fitness goals.

So what are some of your habits that will help you feel good? Leave a comment below!

Your Coach,

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