Before I was an educated fitness professional I made up my own workouts (whatever seemed good that day) including cycling and I also found fault for bicycle fall accidents and now I definitely know better than to just choose things for my daily workouts without rhyme or reason.
First, you’re more likely to stick with only doing things you enjoy. That may work temporarily, but then you may skip things you don’t enjoy because you’re not good at them. Here are the 10 Hacks You Need For A Successful Dieting Phase which will be quite useful to reduce your workout limit.
If you always skip push ups because they’re a struggle, you will never improve at push ups which may lead to decreased shoulder health and upper body strength. You are also missing out the on the potential to build mental strength by doing something that is tough.
Also, it’s important to have a well rounded workout routine. When I create workout routines I look at things like..
Did we knee bend?
Did we hip hinge?
Did we move laterally?
Did we pull as much of not more than we pushed?
Did we push/ pull vertically and horizontally?
Did we do anything rotational?
By skipping any of these factors in your daily workouts we increase our risk of injury. In case there is an injury, then personal injury Law Firm serving in Charlotte can be hired! You can also hire car accident injury attorneys, from here!
Not to mention people who don’t enjoy cardio may skip it and just lift. And cardio is important for brain, heart and lung health, as well fat loss, while if you suffer a serious injury with any kind of exercise having an orthopedic surgeon could be the best choice for you.
And vice versa.. those who want to just lift may skip cardio which is important to keep your muscles strong and joints healthy as a runner, for example.
Ultimately you want a well rounded daily workout program and that is what I offer through online training.
It’s just $12 a month and you’ll have access to all of my workouts via email and the SugarWOD app along with video demos and support from me as your coach!
Go to to learn more and join.
Your Coach,